Friday 31 May 2013

tricky monster tanks.

Okay guys, there back again. In short, the film starts with the tricky monsters going out for a spot of tank driving. The next part is where they drive the tanks.
[Please pay no attention to the Welly boots which may be noticed during the film.]

Friday 24 May 2013

tricky monsters

Tricky monsters are small, monster, type animals. There preferable food is conkers, acorns and anything nut related plus the extra fact is that they're tricky [also see naughty and misbehaviour.]. Here is a nice little collection of tricky monsters [without nuts take note].

Friday 17 May 2013

D.I.Y tanks

So, here is a nice little selection of half constructed tanks having a paint

job. Don't they all look sweet? Just remember these fellows because they'll be back in a few weeks. [being driven]

Friday 10 May 2013

Dr. spud returns!

Yes, the [not so] famous ground dwelling tuber is back. And this time, it's the turn of the cyber spuds! [dun dun dun] But D.r spud has got a plan [ always helpful] if you put an egg in a microwave, it will explode [ this is the technical bit. when water gets hot, it expands. the only problem is that the shell doesn't because it's solid.] and with cyber spuds, the same thing happens. And just to entice them in, our heroes use D.r spud's reflection and a mirror.

Saturday 4 May 2013


Here it is, the worlds first, K'nex, rubber band powered rocket. note the brown [recovery] string in the back ground. 
you may notice the LEGO figure in the SKY LARK 1 before take off[ not that you would notice it after take off.] we apologise for the bit at the of the film[ i forgot to turn the camera off].