Saturday, 20 September 2014

castles: by the monsters.

 Hello everyone! Old big nose is currently occupied, so we thought that we would help out. So here is all of the most famous spots in Tricky Monster Castle!

This the very window that
Lord Monster himself
looked out of. Yes, both
of them.
And this is the window designed by
some annoying little so-and-so.

And this is the window through which his
Lordship kicked a pigs' bladder
[see: medieval football.]when he was 8

And this is the doorway
that no-one really noticed.

And this, is the window that his
Lordship lost when gambling.
[they couldn't find it anywhere!

And this, is the room that
would look a lot
darker without a window
And this, is the dome that Lord Monster
happened to look up at once.

And this, is the window
that could do with a
better view.

And this, is the window
that his Lordship
opened when it got a
bit stuffy once.

And this, is the pointy thing
that Lord Monster said needed

And this, is the big drop
that gave his Lordship

And this, is the naughty
step that his Lordship sent
peasants to when they tried
to start a revolution.
And this, is the gateway that could do with
a lick of paint

And finely, this is the
door that no-one has
opened for ages.
And this
the very grumpy person who has
just escaped from the cement!
Big nose is back!

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