Friday, 5 July 2013

So who made the marks?

Okay fellows, William is back again. So who made the marks? Who nicked the money? Who are the crooks? Find out a little more this week.
The car expert took a step forward and told everyone in a most superior manner, ‘It would appear that the mysterious vehicle in question is the cause of a very mysterious matter. And because it’s a mystery, it must be stated that, in the most intrepid investigations, expectations, examinations
 And exaltations of the highest inspections, that we can expect that it in short, can or, on the other hand of events and extents of the peculiar events that it can be explained in short hand or in long of later that perhaps or perhaps not which can explained be placing the inverted or negative position the latter be explained that the mysterious vehicle in question is now no longer a mystery because by examinations of the car tracks, it can understood that the vehicle is in the size between a lorry and a smart car!’
‘Bravo’ said a rather stout gardener ‘I like a good comedian I do.’ Everyone stared at the car expert who seamed slightly deflated at this latest remark.
 ‘Thank you for this latest addition to the investigations,’ said William ‘but, with out wishing to sound rude, unnecessary anyone who knows that there were no larger vehicles common in Britain than the lorry and it’s most unlikely that the cause for the tyre marks was a monster truck as it would not need pushing out of the mud over there by the roses, and no one needs telling it wasn’t smaller than a smart car as there are no cars which are smaller in Brittan.’ Everyone stared [again].
‘See’ announced the chief inspector to everyone ‘I told you he was a good one, I always knew, ever since I saw his business card I knew it!’
‘Hang on!’ shouted the head gardener ‘something’s up with the roses.’ Just where you would expect there to be some pretty little flowers there was [drum roll please] some pretty little flowers. The gardener’s mouth dropped, everyone stared and Sara Botheringam fainted. But it wasn’t the flowers that were the problem. Because, on closer inspection, just around the roses something could be noticed. It wasn’t all that obvious, but, William still noticed it. It was a load of raised mud, going around a small piece of the bed. Also William noticed in the mud next to the foot prints was something else. A set of slightly smaller foot prints, imprinted in the mud.  
Night was coming in now. The trees, with their fresh, green leaves of spring, were now mere silhouettes
against the darkening sky. William watched as everyone left, the chief inspector got in his squad car, the head gardener got in his rather small Daewoo Matiz, Sara staggered [she has just fainted remember.] into her very muddy Aston martin DB5. It was a good job that a policeman hadn’t seen it, as the number plate was liberally coved with mud. Just then, there was a blood curdling scream from the car park. There was the car expert pointing at his car. His car was an immaculately clean Aston Martin MKIII [except for the parking ticket]. But there was something missing. To be exact it those very pretty little wings on the front which come with all Astons. William stared at the car, then at the expert who had gone a strangely pale. This mystery was getting more mysterious by the moment. William thought it would be best to check his notes.

Could the head gardener of done it? He could want to be paid more for fixing up the lawn and he did spot the mud in the rose bush.
Car expert? Perhaps he did it and removed the wings from the Aston hoping that it would cover something up.
Sara Botheringam? Probably not. That faint was pretty dramatic. But, then again just think back to Alex Walker [who wanted a detective to cover up that he robbed his own bank].
  The next day, William looked over the list a few times and thought hard about the matter. He knew that at least one of them had done it. The only problem was that they were all quite tall. [All those people who remember the first chapter will know why this is important.] Just then, William was struck by a thought, did this person have to be 5 foot tall?
 To be continued.

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