Saturday, 21 March 2015

unuasual vehicles

presenting to you, 
hey, stop!
why, you weren't going to wright anything more interesting were you?
well, I suppose not.
there you are.
presenting to you, some vehicles that would make you stare if you saw them going down the M1!
can't you think of anything a bit shorter?

this will definitely make you stare if you saw it going
down the M1 as it's made of Lego

Saturday, 14 March 2015

duckys! [quack quack]

posh ducky
presenting to you, a few ducky that you must be made aware of [some of them are dangerous]
perfectly normal duckies [keep sandwiches hidden]
scary duck

cold ducks

Friday, 6 March 2015

the history of holes

Presenting to you, the fascinatingly historical world of holes.

This is the famous hole that used to be a window until
someone noticed that they couldn't see through it.

This is the other famous window that Richard the third wished
hadn't existed when the French army shot an arrow through it.
Or was it the Scottish?

this is the not very famous hole
that let in one heck of a draft.
this was the hole that everyone could see through and so
became a window

And this the very historic hole, that for centuries everyone
thought was upside down.