Friday, 31 May 2013

tricky monster tanks.

Okay guys, there back again. In short, the film starts with the tricky monsters going out for a spot of tank driving. The next part is where they drive the tanks.
[Please pay no attention to the Welly boots which may be noticed during the film.]

Friday, 24 May 2013

tricky monsters

Tricky monsters are small, monster, type animals. There preferable food is conkers, acorns and anything nut related plus the extra fact is that they're tricky [also see naughty and misbehaviour.]. Here is a nice little collection of tricky monsters [without nuts take note].

Friday, 17 May 2013

D.I.Y tanks

So, here is a nice little selection of half constructed tanks having a paint

job. Don't they all look sweet? Just remember these fellows because they'll be back in a few weeks. [being driven]

Friday, 10 May 2013

Dr. spud returns!

Yes, the [not so] famous ground dwelling tuber is back. And this time, it's the turn of the cyber spuds! [dun dun dun] But D.r spud has got a plan [ always helpful] if you put an egg in a microwave, it will explode [ this is the technical bit. when water gets hot, it expands. the only problem is that the shell doesn't because it's solid.] and with cyber spuds, the same thing happens. And just to entice them in, our heroes use D.r spud's reflection and a mirror.

Saturday, 4 May 2013


Here it is, the worlds first, K'nex, rubber band powered rocket. note the brown [recovery] string in the back ground. 
you may notice the LEGO figure in the SKY LARK 1 before take off[ not that you would notice it after take off.] we apologise for the bit at the of the film[ i forgot to turn the camera off].